
Mass effect 3 code of the ancients
Mass effect 3 code of the ancients

mass effect 3 code of the ancients mass effect 3 code of the ancients

He “invented” so many things that the world uses daily, including radio, electricity (AC), electric motor, X-rays, laser, wireless communication (internet) or remote control. He selflessly devoted his life to the advancement of humanity. He was so much ahead of his time, as it is often said, because he was open to receive the revelations from The Creator Himself. He studied The Bible, but his thirst for knowledge lead him to the study of other ancient scriptures as well. This great scientist and philosopher who described himself as a Christian demonstrated the unity of Science and God. He was misunderstood by the world, and his message was never received because the world was not ready yet. “Everyone should consider his body as a priceless gift from one whom he loves above all, a marvelous work of art, of indescribable beauty, and mystery beyond human conception, and so delicate that a word, a breath, a look, nay, a thought may injure it.” He knew his body was a gift from The Creator: Through the power of will he prevailed over his addictions he stopped drinking coffee and tea, which he equals with poison. Nikola Tesla believed in exercise, “the miracle of milk” and in a green diet, eating meat only few times a year with preference to fowl. He had vast knowledge of nutrition and believed in keeping his body according to the law of nature, in tune with Earth. He greatly admired woman, yet he was saddened by how she was becoming more and more masculine, competing with man and taking over his natural place in society. This “Electrical Wizard with an unquenchable fire in his blue eyes” desired knowledge above all and wanted to understand himself and everything around him. Nikola Tesla was an extraordinary man and genius born during a lightning storm in 1856 to a Serbian family he had a life-long passion for nature and electricity and was determined to use his gift of great mental power for the greater good of humanity. To comprehend where this cognition has led to, read this Affidavit.

mass effect 3 code of the ancients

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Mass effect 3 code of the ancients